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2018 – The Year of the Dog

Carole Herder with her beloved dog, Danny Boy

You know Greg is Australian and if you have met him, you know he delivers on almost every iconic “Ozzie” trait, especially the good, well it’s more “great” or “fantastic” sense of humour. This morning we were talking about the  Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dog. As far as great loves go, our dogs are pretty much up there with our horses.

We were drawing out the similarities between the traits dogs have and who we want to be as a company. We talked about integrity, loyalty, and trust – and how these are the qualities we strive to offer you.  You, our very loyal customers. You, who deserve the utmost integrity, dedication and loyalty.

These are the things our dogs always offer up, unconditionally. Every day.

It goes both ways. In exchange for your Brand Loyalty, you can be assured we will always stand behind our product and support you in your decision to use Cavallo Hoof Boots.

We know some of you struggle with the tough decisions. It can feel super scary to step outside the conventional box and do something different for your horse. I personally can relate first-hand to the naysayers who come out of the woodwork and tell you, you can’t change traditional and you must shoe your horse. I understand how challenging it is. But just remember this; the world has never been changed by people who are apathetic. It takes ZERO courage to be a cynic.

Keep dreaming. Keep creating. Keep leading with your heart.

And look to us. Look to your Cavallo Community. Trust that we are here for you.  Just like your canine companion.  Loyal and Trustworthy.

Carole Herder's beloved dog, Danny Boy

Carole Herder’s beloved dog, Danny Boy









Ok – so now, as the conversation winds down, Greg, in typical Ozzie fashion throws in a joke.

Here it goes:

“When you put your spouse and your dog in the closet, then open it an hour later, who’s happy to see you?”  HaHa…. Oh Greg!


Cavallo – loyal like a loyal dog, we’re right there by your side.

Happy Trails,

Carole Herder's Signature


Carole Herder's Signature


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