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  • Horse Psychology

    By Carole Herder I was helping at a show recently and when things were a little quiet, I took a moment to look around at all the beautiful and varied four-legged equids. But instead of looking at their pretty heads and well-formed bodies, I took to noticing their behavior. Some were standing quietly by their…

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  • What Do You Love About Trail Riding?

    By Carole Herder Picture this: a glorious summer afternoon. The smell of freshly cut grass is hanging in the air. A slight breeze is blowing to keep the hazy day cool. Birds are flitting, butterflies are darting and bees are buzzing, busy in an otherwise peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Now picture this: a bright, frosty…

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  • Why I Love My Horse

    By Carole Herder People often ask me why I love horses so much. After all these years, I still find it a tricky question to answer. I think horses are incredibly noble and I have huge respect for them, but there is so much more to it than that. The exemplary set of characteristics that…

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  • Horse Anatomy Anyone?

    By Carole Herder I think it is a great idea to have a basic understanding of your horse’s body. And I don’t just mean knowing which is the front and which is the back (although this helps of course!). Parts of the horse like coronary band, hock, croup, stifle, pastern and gaskin are some of…

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  • Equine Nutrition

    By Carole Herder Equine diet – for some it is very basic: grass. For others it is the bane of their existence: grass or hay, oats or barley, beet or alfafa, how much, how often, wet or dry, supplements or minerals? The questions are endless. Personally I believe much of it depends on your horse….

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