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What Has 160 Barefoot Hooves and Says NO to Bits?

The Houston Mounted Police Patrol Unit is making international headlines these days and being recognized as a front-runner in the natural horse movement.  The Unit went barefoot years ago and has recently made the decision to go bitless as well!

Metal Shoes and Bits Outlawed ‘Round these Parts!

At one time, the mounted unit herd was managed very traditionally, but the officers found they were constantly dealing with hoof issues and other ailments that that we have come to understand can be caused or exacerbated by use of metal shoes.  Metal shoes on asphalt refer concussive force which travels through the hoof and up the leg of the horse.  In 1984 Swiss Cavalry at the University of Zurich, Switzerland conducted research into the effect of metal shoeing.  Studies showed that the impact force a shod hoof receives on hard ground is 10-33 times that of an unshod hoof.  The vibration in the hoof from the shoe is approximately 800 hz.  (This level of vibration is high enough to DESTROY LIVING TISSUE).   

The metal shoes were also restricting the natural flex function of the hoof when bearing weight, and therefore limiting much-needed blood supply to the hoof and lower leg.

Due to these issues, the unit decided it couldn’t hurt to try something new, and in 2004, they experimented by having one horse go barefoot.  It was so successful that they now keep their entire herd (40 horses) barefoot!  They noticed the health of their horses improve greatly, and the vet bills were cut in HALF!  They also experienced better traction on slick surfaces, which helps both the officers and horses to feel safer when on patrol. Hard to argue with that!  AND the force has recently decided to go Bitless as well, with great success!  

Barefoot, Bitless, Booted and in Bliss

Houston Mounted Police using Cavallos

Houston Mounted Police using Cavallos

The horses often go barefoot on patrol, but they use Cavallos when needed.  Cavallo Hoof Boots protect hooves while policing during protests or other large events where broken glass or sharp objects on the ground could present a risk of injury.  The Houston Mounted Patrol Unit are providing horses the best and most natural care possible.  They enjoy their success by trusting their gut – and believing in the perfection of the design given by Mother Nature.


Looking for Barefoot Mentors?

The Houston Mounted Unit is an inspiration towards a natural healthy lifestyle. Knowledge, courage and Cavallo Hoof Boots can make this possible for you too.  Contact us any time to get the support you need to get your horse moving with confidence, safety and protection in his Cavallo Hoof Boots.

Wishing you many happy trails,

Carole Herder's Signature

Carole Herder's Signature

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