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  • Mules Rocking Cavallo Boots!

    Here’s one for the long-eared crowd!  Have you noticed mules rocking Cavallo Boots? We love that our Slim Sole option works so well for some mules to keep them comfortable and protected, whether packing, on trails or during turnout or in hoof rehab situations. Here’s a great question I received from a conscientious mule owner:…

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  • Bushmob Brumby Ride Cavallo Trek Hoof Boots
    What Happens on Brumby Safari with Dr. Brian Hampson?

    Brian, the Brumby Doctor Dr. Brian Hampson (Ph.D. in Veterinary Science on the Brumby Hoof) is an internationally renowned hoof care expert. He speaks regularly at hoof care forums such as The International Hoof Care Summit (USA), Luwex Farriers Convention (Germany) and The Australian Farriers Conference (Gold Coast). Brian is also a horseman and runs…

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