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“Horse Shoes Will Be Obsolete” – A Farrier’s Insight

“Change the degree of farrier by podiatry, without the systematic use of horseshoes. Have serious studies of feral horse populations in the world to give us more accurate information than we have today. Create greater synergy between society and what is a healthy horse with pedagogy, collaboration and disclosure because we have to reset the old stereotype of horse that is deeply rooted and is doing so much damage.”

This is a quote form a blog by Marc Ferrador, which outlines some of his visions for the future. Marc is an ex-farrier now promoting barefoot in horses.

horse hoof bootsIn this article he speaks about his journey from a career of 14 years shoeing horses, to converting ninety percent of his clients to keeping their horses barefoot. He took his time through this change and did his research. In the blog he talks about the reactions he received from other farriers and how utterly harmful shoes are to the hoof. He constantly refers to the health of the horse and that this is paramount over all other reasons for going barefoot.

His top tips when going barefoot? Be aware of the horse, not just the hooves, and focus on a balanced diet, the right environment and good handling.

Click here to read more on this interesting story where Marc claims that “horse shoes will be obsolete”.

And of course, your alternative to nailing metal into horses feet, are Cavallo Hoof Boots. Horse Hoof Boots provide protection and allow you to ride comfortably on any terrain at any speed.

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